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Hungaricum 2007/1

Hungaricum 2007/1

Hungarians outside Hungary: Creatively Yours

1-2 munkanap
Újszerű antikvár könyv
Elérhető darabszám:
1 490.-

Árakkal kapcsolatos információk:

Eredeti ár: kedvezmény nélküli, javasolt könyvesbolti ár
Online ár: az internetes rendelésekre érvényes ár
Előrendelői ár: a megjelenéshez kapcsolódó, előrendelőknek járó kedvezményes ár
Korábbi ár: az akciót megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára ezen a weboldalon
Aktuális ár: a vásárláskor fizetendő ár
Tervezett ár: előkészületben lévő termék tervezett könyvesbolti ára, tájékoztató jellegű, nem minősül ajánlattételnek
Kötött ár: a terméknek az Árkötöttségi törvény alapján meghatározott legalacsonyabb eladási ára, melyből további kedvezmény nem adható.

Hungaricum will be your standard source for news of global Hungarian art in the widest sense of the word: meant to cover the activities of writers, painters, sculptors, composers, conductors and singers, it bring you updates from many areas of the arts, and reports on the accomplishments of Hungarian or Hungarian-born representatives of the sciences.
Leírás a könyvről
You are reading the first issue of Hungaricum, a new periodical that we hope will have an important and enduring place among publications of a similar cultzral mission. Hungaricum will be yout standard source for news of global Hungarian art in the widest sense of the word: meant to cover the activities of writers, painters, sculptors, composers, conductors and singers, it bring you updates from many areas of the arts, and reports on the accomplishments of Hungarian or Hungarian-born representatives of the sciences.

From the content:

-Italian magic - Italian supplement:
-Péter Sárközy: Abandoned by the home-land - Hungarian writers in Italy
-Breaking through the language barrier (Endre Szkárosi interviews Tomaso Kemeny)
-On horseback to Venice - Why are Hungarians fascinated by Italy? (A conversation with Péter Sárközy, literary historian, professor of La Sapienza University, Rome)
-Christina Viragh, German translator of Fateless
-Edith Bruck
-Women are stronger than men (Edith Bruck talked to Andrea Pető, in Rome)
-A Hungarian painter int the Vatican - János Hajnal
-Mother tongue as mother country (Áron Domokos spoke to Marinella D'Alessandro, the Italian translator of Sándor Márai)
-Sándor Márai: Diary (1945-1957-excerpts)
-Only nice people came to visit (The Triznya pub of Rome - Director of Európa Publishers Imre Barna talks with Zsuzsa Szőnyi)
-Puli ranch (An excerpt from Zsuzsa Szőnyi's book the Triznya Pub)
-Of oddballs and golden cases (A conversation with Beatrice Töttössy, head of the Hungarian Department, Firenze University)
-Concrete: Lastingas bronze (A life of Amerigo Tot)
-A message from the south (Zoltán Nagy's photos of Italy)
-The Falconieri palace (Author: László Csorba, former director of the Hungarian Academy in Rome)

-"Hungarian" has a favourable ring to it
-At the Gate - László Végel
-Starting many times over (An interview with Katalin Ladik poet, writer and performing artist by József P. Kőrössi)
-Neither support, nor money (A conversation with Valéria Balázs-Arth, author and editor of the Délvidék Encyclopedia of Hungarian Art)
-Mátyás Sárközi: Szőke: what's in a name - Fate, Hungarian style
-Sárospatak fondly remembered even in Cambridge
-Fisherman caught in the net (Judit Scherter talked to Éva Berniczky)
-Flight into the dark (excerpt from the novel The midwife's womb by Éva Berniczky)
-My home Beregszász (Actor Zsolt Trill talks to Judit Csáki)
-Language of the gods (In conversation with Sándor Kányádi and Ove Berglund, the poet's Swedish translator)
-Transylvanian music also suffered the times (Composer Boldizsár Csíky spoke to Géza Kovács, general director of the Hungarian Natioanl Philharmonic Orchestra)
-A Feeling of Equality (A Central-European book workshop: Kalligram)
-Not All of my Ancestors arrived Via the Verecke pass (Author Lajos Grendel talks to Miklós Vámos)
Raktári kód:
ragasztott kartonált (puha)
Méret [mm]:
210 x 297 x 7
Tömeg [g]:
Találkozzunk könyvvásárainkon!