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The Five Principles of War

The Five Principles of War

Elérhető nálunk:
.ePub és .mobi formátumban
2 868.-
Eredeti ár:
3 374.-
Árakkal kapcsolatos információk:

Eredeti ár: kedvezmény nélküli, javasolt könyvesbolti ár
Online ár: az internetes rendelésekre érvényes ár
Előrendelői ár: a megjelenéshez kapcsolódó, előrendelőknek járó kedvezményes ár
Korábbi ár: az akciót megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb ára ezen a weboldalon
Aktuális ár: a vásárláskor fizetendő ár
Tervezett ár: előkészületben lévő termék tervezett könyvesbolti ára, tájékoztató jellegű, nem minősül ajánlattételnek
War has been an indelible part of human civilisation since the dawn of history, and the war in our neighbourhood has shown that it is not just a remote event in time and space. Conflict, violence and war are an integral and terrible part of human behaviour, whether it is the world conflagrations that have covered continents in blood or the clashes that have blighted our daily lives.
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Leírás a könyvről
War has been an indelible part of human civilisation since the dawn of history, and the war in our neighbourhood has shown that it is not just a remote event in time and space. Conflict, violence and war are an integral and terrible part of human behaviour, whether it is the world conflagrations that have covered continents in blood or the clashes that have blighted our daily lives. The outbreak of armed conflict, its nature, the reasons for victory and defeat have been written about in countless books from antiquity to the present day. In his book, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, former commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, who has seen the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq and Ukraine, sets out to condense the principles of war into five simple, clear points.
Although the examples used to illustrate them are drawn from war situations, this book is not only for readers interested in military history and theories. Whether it's how we relate to opposing and allied forces, how we define our objectives, or the importance of communication, the principles set out here are applicable to any conflict and can help us win the battles of our lives.
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